Sunday, June 5, 2011

We Have Landed

Here's a picture of Utah Beach as it appears today. We crossed the channel at 0700 local this morning .. seas were tossing us enough to make it interesting. It was rainy and overcast all day, much like the day on June 5, 1944. We went to the new Utah Beach Memorial Museum; we were the first one's to enter the museum, it is to be opened to the public tomorrow so we felt very honored to be able to see it. Tried to get into St Mare Eglise but the whole area is crowded with people and cars. Since the roads are about 1 car width this is not hard to do. We are staying at a Chateau near Caen. This was the headquarters of the 3rd Panzer Division on D-Day and also the headquarters of Field Marshall Rommel when he visited this part of Normandy. A very special place indeed! What a way to spend my birthday.

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