Monday, June 6, 2011

Battle Site of the 82nd Airborne

We got to five battle sites today, two made famous from the Band of Brothers. They included St Mare Eglis, St Marie Du Mont, Avaranches, Longues-Sur-Mer and La Fran Bridge. It is 6 June and each location was filled with visitors and reenactment actors. The actors have authentic uniforms, vehicles, and civilians in 1940 dress. At one stop we had just pulled in and down the road comes an M-24 Chafee Tank and parks in the road intersection right next to us. Pretty Cool. Everywhere you go there are US, British and French flags flying! I am told these are up all year round. Had a long dinner last night talking about everything we've seen and some great anecdotes from Captain Drez, our guide. Tomorrow on to Omaha Beach at the American Cemetary.

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