Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pointe Du Hoc

Here's a look at Pointe Du Hoc that was taken by the 2nd Ranger Battalion on D-Day. They had to scale 100 foot cliffs under rifle fire and grenades in order to get to the top. This point commanded a perfect view of both Utah and Omaha Beaches; there were numerous casements built to house 150mm guns which could have singly defeated our landing armada. By plan this was the dumping ground for all bomber ordnance on their way back to England so the whole area looked like the surface of the moon. Turns out the guns were never put in place, they were about 1/2 mile back in an apple orchard.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Truly amazing and awe-inspiring. I'm having difficulty imagining being there when I feel such emotion at just seeing the photos and reading your description.
