Tuesday, June 7, 2011

American Cemetery Overlooking Omaha Beach

Here's a first look at the deeply moving cemetery built above Omaha Beach. 10,000 of our soldiers, sailors, airman, and coast guardsmen who died at Normandy are here. There are 300 unknowns scattered throughout. Also buried here are four women, all nurses. It is a bright beautiful day here with a scattering of bright, white fluffy clouds .. signaling to every one of us, "we're glad you came". All Crosses and Star's of David face the West; some crosses have flags and flowers adorned while the Jewish graves have stones atop their star. If you don't shed tears here a number of times, you have no heart. The whole cemetery is well planned out with a special significance in each section and monument. We could have spent the entire day here just walking among the crosses and stars saying thank you to every one of these brave men and women. One of the many things that came to mind for me was how tragic we will not see this in any other country that Americans have fought and died in since 1945! This is truly a solemn and sacred place.

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